POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.newusers : atmospheric media : atmospheric media Server Time
4 Nov 2024 19:14:55 EST (-0500)
  atmospheric media  
From: MR
Date: 31 Oct 2001 19:10:45
Message: <3be09305$1@news.povray.org>

i have a very basic question.  i'm wanting to do some light
rays streaming in a window.  ken and marc and some
other good people have already given me some good tips.

although i believe that i eventually want to confine the media
inside an object, right now i'm looking at atmospheric media
with a spotlight.

my scene looked ok with regular lighting.  when i put the
media in, i got a whiteout scene, and this was true whether
the light had the media turned on or off.

my question:  what's going on?  i thought that the media would
not be seen if the light had media attenuation off.

i actually have another question:  is media different in 3.5?
is what i'm learning with 3.1 media a waste of time?  i down-
loaded the 3.5 and i'm dangerously close to loading it.  can
i run two versions at once?

thank you, miker

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